Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mosquito Control Update - 9 May 2013
From Jean Soucy

The County Mosquito Control Tech came by today and walked “The Ditch”. All seemed very healthy and clean with no man made debris in the ditch. There is lot of natural decaying going on and that is good. We do have a couple of areas that fallen trees need to be pushed around to allow water flow and for fish to better thrive. I will work on doing that before the Tech returns.  There are of course a lot of mosquito eggs, although I have not seen any adult mosquitos this season. The Tech put some pellets down to retard mosquito growth. There are fish still thriving in the water but “B” plans to return Monday, May 12 with a couple of gallons of newly hatched fish and continue to come once a month to monitor the Mosquito population. We get excellent support from the Chatham County Mosquito Control people.