Executive Board Meeting Minutes 12/18/2014
Call to Order:
Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm.
Wendy Amerson, Kristin Detwiler, Harvey Libow, Janie Peaster, Jason Tripp,
Caroline Bontempo, Steve Busbee, Gary Steigerwald, JoAnn Sanborn, Ron Rudolph,
and Nancy Easterlin were present from the board.
Agenda Minutes from 10-30-14 were presented. A motion was made by Kristin
Detwiler and seconded by Jason Tripp to accept minutes. None opposed.
· Treasurer’s report was given by
Kristin Detwiler. Income for November
shows as $3,600.00. Kristin stated that
the cash balance in checking as of November 30, 2014 was $11,423.82 and the
business saving account balance was $9,230.11.
· Expenses included for November were Georgia
Power $53.60, and Maloney’s $370.00.
· Reported that 2 homes remain with
unpaid dues. One owing the full amount
and one owing $80.00. A motion was made by Wendy Amerson and
seconded by Jason Tripp to accept minutes. None opposed.
Old Business:
Tree Trimming
-Angel’s Tree Service, LLC-trim up 55
with removal $3500.00 (no grinding, no stump removal)
-Echols Tree Service-trim up 54 trees,
stump, clean up, with one day of work $2000.00
-Kristin knows another tree service and
will obtain another quote before the new board will make a decision in January.
The sign being refurbished will be researched
more by the new board.
New Business:
Kristin will send letter to our Attorney
to ask what actions can be taken
AR committee will send letter to one homeowner to request plans for addition
To be held on December 21, 2014 from
3:00-5:00 in the Settlement Cul-de-sac
at front gate
It was determined that the chickens do
not belong to a homeowner, therefore it is not a board ruling
It was discussed that a letter should
go out to all homeowners regarding issues and safety to pets.
of 2015 officers
President-Gary Steigerwald
Vice President-JoAnn Sanborn
Treasurer-Kristin Detwiler
Secretary-Wendy Amerson
Committee: No report was given
Committee: No report was given
Adjourn: meeting was adjourned at 8:32pm
Annual Meeting Highlights 10-13-14
Present: Wendy Amerson, Kristin Detwiler, Harvey Libow, Janie Peaster and Jason Tripp were present from the board. Roni Libow was present from the AR committee.
Agenda Minutes from 7-20-14 were presented. A motion was made by Kristin
Detwiler and seconded by Jason Tripp to accept minutes. None opposed.
Treasurer’s report was given by
Kristin Detwiler. Income for October
shows as $6,660.00. Kristin stated that
the cash balance in checking as of October 31, 2014 was $8247.42 and the
business saving account balance was $9,230.11.
-Expenses included for October were website
$17.67, Georgia Power $52.50, and Maloney’s $280.00.
-Reported that 13 homes remain with
unpaid dues. Notices will be sent with
late fees in November.
-A motion was made by Wendy Amerson and
seconded by Jason Tripp to accept minutes. None opposed.
Old Business:
The sign being refurbished will be researched
more by the new board. All electrical work at front gate was completed
Outdoor Lighting-Labor, Materials $4,468.00 (868 Nease
Road, Guyton, GA 31312)
ground well light (standard with 6 watt led)
light (standard with 3 watt led)
light (standard with 3 led)
watt transformer
year warranty and will write up a yearly maintenance agreement.
New Business:
Tree Trimming
a. Angel’s Tree Service, LLC-trim up 55
with removal $3500.00 (no grinding, no stump removal)
b. Echols Tree Service-trim up 54 trees,
stump, clean up, with one day of work $2000.00
c. Kristin know another tree service and
will obtain another quote before board will make a decision.
d. Maloney’s will not trim trees because they
don’t have the means to dispose of waste. He suggested that we use a tree service.
Meeting-December 18th, 2014 for
transition meeting was set.
Social-December 21, 2014 will be holiday social was set.
Nothing to report for Architectural
requested to put pine straw and plantings.
She will follow the budget and stay in the guidelines.
Adjourn: meeting was adjourned at 8:26pm
Board Meeting Highlights 7-20-14
Present: Kristin Detwiler, Wendy Amerson, Harvey Libow, Janie Peaster, and Jason Tripp were present.
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM
Minutes were read from 5-15-14 meeting by Wendy Amerson and board approved
AR committee report given by Harvey
- Signs are replaced and are waiting for county to remove their signs
- Maloney's adjusted sprinkler heads in the park.
- The cash balance on hand in checking was 7,213.81 and the business account balance was $9,227.78 as of June 30th, 2014.
- 1 homeowner no longer delinquent (paid in full and Jason will remove lien)
- 1 homeowner was still delinquent in paying dues. Collection efforts to continue along with sending letters and placing liens where necessary.
- Mail out was sent to all homeowners in June
- Wendy sent out letter to homeowner with camper and it was moved
- 4th of July event was a success
- Front sign is getting old and is now 18 years old. Harvey will have Canady’s Signs come out to look and measure and give a quote for replacing. Hold to the fall annual meeting to discuss.
- Lighting-Two companies came out to look and give quotes.
Sheffield Cottrell Electric- Labor, materials, and boring $3200.00 (912-713-9902)
Demo all light, controllers, transformers (18 fixtures)
Install new 120v fixtures and wire (12 locations)
Install chase under roads for new 120v power
Install new LED lamps in all new fixture locations
Install lighting controllers to operate new lighting functions
5 year warranty/replacement on all lamps
Lighthouse Outdoor Lighting-Labor, Materials $4,468.00 (868 Nease Road, Guyton)
Above ground well light (standard with 6 watt led)
Spot light (standard with 3 watt led)
Wash light (standard with 3 led)
200 watt transformer
5 year warranty and will write up a yearly maintenance agreement.
Jason will get revised quotes especially with Lighthouse and board will discuss at next board meeting. There were no announcements and the meeting was adjourned at 8:08 PM
Board Meeting Highlights 5-15-14
Present: Kristin Detwiler, Wendy Amerson, Harvey Libow, Janie Peaster, and Jason Tripp were present. Roni Libow was present for the AR committee.
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM
Minutes were read from 2-28-14 meeting by Wendy Amerson and board approved
AR committee report was given by Roni Libow
- Roni reported that after the email vote to go ahead with repair for the signs one was up and the 2nd sign was ready for installation.
- First sign was $115.00 to repair and the second sign was $394.71 to replace and $23.98 for the bracket.
- Roni will notify the county to remove green sign.
- presented by Jason Tripp
- suggested that we have someone do a yearly maintenance check on the irrigation at the front gate and the park.
- Board discussed and will ask Caroline to call for further information
- For April, the cash balance on hand in checking was 9,513.81 and the business account balance was $9,225.48 as of 4/30/2014.
- 2 homeowners were still delinquent in paying dues. Collection efforts will continue along with sending letters and placing liens where necessary.
- Board discussed and approved sending another letter from our attorney to request payment in full for 1 of the delinquent accounts that went back to 2012.
- Jason will get more quotes for lighting plan at front gate
- meeting dates were adjusted for the remainder of the year. July 10th, September 11th, and December 11th will be new meeting dates. The Annual meeting will be October 12 at 4:00.
- 4th of July social was discussed and date was set for July 5th, 2014. Budget was set at $200.00 for the event.
- Board requested a letter to be sent to homeowner for overnight parking of camper.
- Mail out will be sent to all homeowners to include newsletter, budget, and 4th of July event details
- Website to be updated with Annual meeting date
Board Meeting Highlights 2-28-14
Present: Kristin Detwiler, Wendy Amerson, Harvey Libow, Janie Peaster, and Jason Tripp were present. Roni Libow was present for the AR committee.
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM
Minutes were read from the 12-3-13 meeting by Wendy Amerson and board approved
AR committee report was given by Roni Libow
- two signs had fallen (one at the corner of Mary Musgrove and another on Settlement Way)
- Roni had Canady Signs come out and give an estimate
- the board discussed that more research and quotes be done before any work could start
- Roni agreed to do more research and report
- For December, the cash balance on hand in checking was 17,590.06 and the business account balance was $2,204.72 as of 12/31/2013.
- For January, the cash balance on hand in checking was 17,305.79 and the business account balance was $2,204.72 as of 1/31/2014.
- The board reviewed proposed budget with slight increases in the insurance, website, and lighting maintenance and decreases in GA Power, corp fees and irrigation. Savings account line was removed from budget. The 2014 budget was approved.
- The board made a decision to move $7, 020.06 to the savings account leaving exactly what is needed to cover expenses for the remainder of the year based on the budget.
- A treasury report will be provided for the next homeowner mail out.
- 3 homeowners were still delinquent in paying dues. Collection efforts will continue along with sending letters and placing liens where necessary.
- Pineapple was fixed by Harvey at front gate
New Business
- New officers were selected. President-Jason Tripp, Vice- Pres- Harvey Libow, Treasurer-Kristin Detwiler, and Secretary-Wendy Amerson.
- Harvey will help research the street signs and report back
- Electrical committee-Jason will research and report back about options for the front gate.
- Meetings for 2014 will be tentative set for April 10th, June 12th, October 9th, and December 11th.
Transition Board Meeting Highlights 12-3-13
Present: Caroline Bontempo, Kristin Detwiler, Wendy Amerson, Roni Libow, Janie Peaster, and Jason Tripp were present. Dennis Adams, Steve Busbee, and Harvey Libow were absent.
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM
Minutes were read by Wendy Amerson and board approved
Treasurer's Report was given by Kristin Detwiler. Cash balance on hand in checking was 17,769.30 and the business account balance was $2,204.16 as of 11/30/2013.
Old Business
New Business
- the board discussed having attorney draft an agreement on the remaining balance on one home for unpaid dues.
- the board was notified that the pineapples on the front sign was loose and could fall. Jason volunteered to take a look at it and fix if possible.
- updates were made on the concerns regarding electrical issues at the front gate.
- the board discussed providing the homeowners a budget in the next letter/newsletter